SAS ( Statistical Analysis Software) is a pivotal part of whole clinical research process provides the analysis to the data captured from the patients into the clinical trails before the submission to US FDA or any regulatory body to all the pharmaceutical and clinical research industry by accessing, analysing and reporting clinical data in an accurate way.
As a Clinical/ Statistical /SAS programmers implement the analysis methods on the collected data and provide the study summary tables, data listing and graphs to the statisticians, medical writers and clinicians to use in writing the clinical study report. Clinical programmers work closely with clinicians, biostatisticians and data managers and provide an important interface that helps provide the linkage between CRF data and the intended analysis.
While data is being re-entered and cleaned, statistical clinical programmers may begin to write SAS programs to generate report tables, listings, and graphs according to the statistical analysis plan (SAP) and the tables shells designed by the study biostatistician. Drafts of tables, listings and graphs· are reviewed by the statisticians and more data clarification items may also be generated in this process.
Since a programmer often needs to interact with different functions, the work becomes more meaningful if they have a brief understanding of the roles performed by each of the study team members from the CTM, PV, MW, SAS and RA departments.

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